If life is what happens to our plans, then dance is what happens to our steps.
ideas sometimes when you wait they come to you.

Preparation for starting with BAPP

Tuesday 17 December 2019

What is continuing to inspire you?

It is the Winter break for students. We are busy marking and doing the administrative stuff of preparation for the new term. There will be less/no email contact but watch Helen and my blogs for posts for up-coming new term events (and check emails for welcome pack if you are new to the programme.)

Please check your University emails for anything the Uni might be in contact with you about!

Meanwhile lets keep inspired:-

Please put links to Ted talks or art work or other inspiring or art making/thought provoking things in the comments.

Friday 13 December 2019

BAPP Module Three Presentations

Hand-in is today. We will then be on Winter break until the start of the new term in late January. But after the Winter holidays drop into Middlesex support Module Threes who will be doing their presentations on January 6th and 7th. It is also very useful see the final presentations as you will be doing them one day too!!

Monday Jan 6th2020
BAPP Oral Presentations/Viva (Grove Theatre)
Tuesday Jan 7th2020
BAPP Oral Presentations/Viva (Grove Theatre)

Indicate below if you can come top campus or if you want to Skype in to watch.

Monday 2 December 2019

Skype with Module Three focus...

Great conversation with a Module 3 focus tonight. I am really looking forward to the final essays and artifacts people will be submitting. There are so many interesting experiences and ideas the inquiries have raised for peoples practices.

I felt our conversation about ways to communicate was summed up in:


Have a look at the posts and comments below from the people attending the discussion.