If life is what happens to our plans, then dance is what happens to our steps.
ideas sometimes when you wait they come to you.

Preparation for starting with BAPP

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

The Art is in the process

We had two great Discussion groups on Tuesday. I am going to highlight some of the different points that we talked about and some I have talked about with other people in One-to-ones.
First some Module Two questions (and reminders for Module Three.)

What is the recommended time frame for the primary research aspect (interviews, questionnaires etc) in module 3?
I recommend 3-4 weeks for each section1-4 wks data collection (interviews, etc..)
5-8 wks analysis (triangulating the data, literature, your experiences)
9-12 wks creating communication of experiences and discoveries (written essay and artifact) 

How many research questions do you recommend? 
It depends on how you are working - I recommend being open to the area you are looking at and not pinning it down too much. This might mean one to two very open questions or lots of small ones that build to create a bigger picture together. You are not looking for answers you are looking to find out something more about an area in your own professional practice remember.

and how many pieces of literature to review? 
You are not reviewing single bits of literature - you are reviewing what is said about the topic in general (The Literature). Like not reviewing a show (Kinky Boots) but reviewing (overviewing) all the different types of shows there are - Musical Theatre, Drama, Medieval, Dance etc…. You are explaining the field where your one small area fits. In doing this you might (and should) identify three or four written books / articles that are particularly relevant and that will be key in informing your inquiry analysis. For ‘Review' think ‘overview' or 'The Literature' think ‘whats out there on the general subject…’ so a literature review is An overview of what is out there on the subject.

Other ideas we talked about
Don't get stuck trying to perfectly answer one question - cycle round tasks, come back to things review older Modules and tasks. You don't go to a ballet class and spend two weeks just standing at the barr trying to do the perfect plie or playing a song on the saxophone you don't spend two weeks  getting the perfect first note. (You know when to come back to it and when to work extra on parts. Use the same skills in your 'academic' study. Don't make the artist you a different being from the 'academic you'.

Reflection is about keeping track of your process

Differ your approach to ideas - organize yourself so you can play with looking at ideas from different perspectives.

Don't look at things in terms of 'I agree' or 'I disagree' - look at things in terms of what their relationship is with other experiences you have had and other ideas you have encountered. 

Ethics is not a thing it is a more a word that indicates you have taken or are taking an approach... 
Rather than the 'ethics of the situation' (as if Ethics was a thing)  you would say 'the ethical consideration made in the situation' (about how things were done). My last blog  Oct 30th 2017 talks more about this. 

For module Two and Three rather than think 'What question an I finding / exploring' think 'what do I want to find out more about / what am I finding out more about'.

People who attended the discussion ate writing the links to their posts about the discussion below. Also please comment below.


  1. Hi Adesola,

    Do you know where we can find links to the Reading List Recommendations on MyUniHub - having trouble finding them?


  2. Also, I agree, the "artist you" and the "academic you" should go hand in hand, sometimes I feel that understanding them from two different perspectives (e.g. On-Reflection and Reflection-in action) is a helpful tool! Especially when taking the role as the spectator...


    Great Session!

  3. Here is the link to my blog post about this skype-

    Lauren (module 2)

  4. Great discussion indeed! I used to really get stuck with trying to do things perfectly, getting it right in the first go and it can be very unproductive unfortunately. I personally have found the blogs very liberating in that sense, because whenever I get an idea I just start a draft and I know I can go back to finish it any time, edit it or even if I post something I can always come back and add do it. It's so easy to try things and edit things as you go. In my practice as well I am so much more daring than I used to be when I realised that only by trying things out and getting feedback will you truly be able to achieve the best possible result and your full potential.
    Here's a link to my post about Unpaid work that I wrote after the discussion: http://arghierenia-bapp.blogspot.co.uk/2017/11/unpaid-work-is-it-ever-worth-it-tuesday.html

  5. Thanks Adesola for this post, I think reading this really grasps the concept that ethics is not a thing! I think ethics is something I have always struggled to explain in my previous modules because I was thinking it as a thing when really like you say it is just the consideration of how you carried out something.
    When reviewing my literature thinking of them as all linked together as a subject really benefits when reviewing them, for example i'm finding more themes than just looking at one and then looking at the next. I hope I can carry on this as I analyse my data and use the themes I've found in my literature as a comparison.

  6. Hi Adesola - what struck me as incredibly helpful during Tuesday's Skype - was to think about what I am finding out / the process during the Inquiry. I have discussed this further on my blog
    Eleanor M2

  7. Thank for this post and for the Skype Discussion, it was a very interest one indeed!, soon I´ll put my own view of it through my blog in the following days.


  8. Hi Adesola, I was unable to attend however I have found this post extremely beneficial. Thank you

  9. Hi Adesola
    As I am now returning after my interruption I have been reading your blogs and the other students and have commented on them. This blog has been really helpful and answered a lot of questions re time scale that I have been thinking of for a while now.
