If life is what happens to our plans, then dance is what happens to our steps.
ideas sometimes when you wait they come to you.

Preparation for starting with BAPP

Monday, 3 February 2020

Knowing Knowledges

I am re-posting this blog post as it seemed to be really helpful for someone last term...
What are your thoughts?

In his book 'Knowing Knowledge' George Seimens talks about Learning Domains
In this course, we create the situation for all four of the domains he discusses in this course. But it is the combination of the four that is the Learning Environment of BAPP. The dance, the music, the play, the yoga class are made of a combination of elements and so is the learning environment of BAPP. 

Transmission Learning- The learner is brought into a system through lectures and exposed to ‘facts’.  The Unihub and Module Handbooks do this.

Emergence Learning– involves greater emphasis on the learner’s cognition and reflection. What you do with the UniHub and Handbooks and Blogs, and Skypes and conversations with your Supervisor.

Acquisition Domain– learning is exploratory and inquiry-based. This has to be self-directed (because it is your practice not anyone else’s) but self-directed does not mean alone you need to remain connected through sharing ideas (on blogs, in Skype discussions etc…). You explore this domain through looking at what you have done in the past (and writing past learning in Module One), looking at your current practice and how the course and ideas you encounter connect with it, through carrying out a project based inquiry. Sometimes you are considering all three at once (if you are in Module Three for instance).

Accretion Learning– is continuous, the learner forages for knowledge when and where it is needed – Real life and ongoing. This is shared through your blog – which is why your blog is so important to keep contributing to and why commenting on others people’s blogs is so helpful to them. 

Across all this ‘relevance’is crucial to look at critically.  This returns us to thinking about what truth, deception, distraction and fact mean to you/do to you. 

Lastly feedback (to each other on blogs and back and forth with your Supervisor) becomes a conversation - ongoing and not as set of instructions to get an 'A'. Go back to 'The Test'  in my blog on September 17th 2019 for John Green to explain that again...

Here is a video made about Connectivism which is the overarching idea for the network of learning domains. 

Please comment below....


  1. Hi Adesola. Thank you for posting this- as I am currently on module 2 I am becoming increasingly aware of how important the BAPP learning community is to my study. It's something I often take for granted but when I think back to how the learning environment has progressed since my schooldays- before the internet was easily accessable, I realise how many more opportunities there are now for learning tools! I've found blogging very helpful, and especially looking over past student blogs. Not only are they informative, but the personal touch also forms a type of connection and relatability to my peers.
    The explanation in the video about educators as learners is something I will always want to take on board. As a dance teacher I also think it's important to use connectivism as a way to enhance the learning of students- not only to help their learning become more self directed and therefore more authentic, but also because this is the world younger students live in now. Being able to watch videos of dancers helps many of my pupils- although the overwhelming amount of content available is always an issue- something I will no doubt experience as I am conducting my literature review.
    I read 'Knowing knowledge' in Module 1 but it's interesting to see how over time the relevance of the content changes depending on where I am at. Thanks again.

  2. Thank you Dr. Akinleye for explaining succinctly how the four domains of learning are used in the BAPP course. I found this extremely useful to read through as a module one student. I also enjoyed watching the connectivism video. One of the points that stood out to me is that connectivism gives the students the advantage of choosing their preferred learning style. As I embark on this journey, this is a good reminder to reflect on the best ways for me to engage in my learning through my preferred learning style.

  3. Hey Adesola. Thank you for posting this - it is a great reminder going into Module 3 that all prior learning experiences are connected and have effected our practice.

    I also wholeheartedly agree with the point that the best teachers are life-long learners. As a musical theatre teacher, I find it crucial to be able to be "up-to-date" which requires constant gathering of knowledge. I have also found that the best way to learn something is by teaching - it is a wonderful relationship that plays an integral part of my practice.

  4. Hi Adesola,
    After reading your post and this section in the module one handbook, I have written a blog about the use of Web 2.0, connectivism and collective intelligence.


    Many thanks!

  5. Hi Adesola and the BAPP community,

    Here is my blog on web 2.0 and connectivism.


    Check it out. Thank you :)
