If life is what happens to our plans, then dance is what happens to our steps.
ideas sometimes when you wait they come to you.

Preparation for starting with BAPP

Monday 7 May 2018

Writing and presentation

Today Skype sessions with a Module One focus were useful for everyone. We talked about academic writing presentation of your work.

Quotes – don’t use them to speak for you. Explain an idea or point in your own words making sure you are referencing the people and things that have helped you for that idea. Then use a quote to illustrate how someone else put it too.

References and citations – a bibliography lists the books and web-sites and things you looked at to come to the writing you are doing. In some ways, a bibliography can survive on its own as a list of books around a topic BUT an essay cannot live without a bibliography. The references in the essay are just ways to sign post us to where all the information is in the bibliography. Just the essay without the bibliography means the references are sign posting us off into nothingness!!

An Appendix is a not a tricky way to have more words than the essay word count!! You should be able to read the whole essay and for it to make sense without reading the appendix. Like the appendix in your body – you should be able to cut it out and everything still works and makes sense. An appendix is just for things we might want to read if we want to hear more about something that takes us off on a bit of a tangent from the flow of the essay.

Sub-headings help organise information. I read through my essay and see where I am shifting or making a new point then ask myself if it would help the reader to indicate where I am going with the topic by having a sub-heading. I would recommend the sub-headings coming from what you are trying to say like this rather than having fixed subheadings that follow the areas of the Module One handbook. You are meant to be synthesising across the whole module in order to discuss your practice. Having subheadings like ‘Web 2.0’ draws you away from your practice and into the structure of the handbooks. Rather use subheadings that sum-up some of the themes that have emerged about your practice from within/across all the sections of the Module.

Editing your work for word count. Sometimes it can be that you are sort of writing in an overly apologetic sort of way. This can add more words to your writing than if you write in a more direct manor, with confidence. (36 words)
Writing in a confident, direct way rather than in an apologetic manor leads to less words used. (17 words)

People in the conversation are putting links to their posts on the skype in the comments below. Please also comment: what do you feel?
Also have a look at this...
Why we cite video


  1. Sub-heading...


  2. http://laurasandellbapp.blogspot.co.uk/2018/05/skype-discussion-070518.html

  3. Great points to remember as we get ready to submit! Thanks for the post Adesola :)
