If life is what happens to our plans, then dance is what happens to our steps.
ideas sometimes when you wait they come to you.

Preparation for starting with BAPP

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Module Three (1st campus session)

Module Three (First Campus Session)

On Tuesday we had a campus session for module three. We looked at an overview of the next 12 weeks (planning your time will be important). Paula will be posting dates for events to remember over the term, for instance: The next campus session dates (March 1st and 23rd), also a day for help with writing (March 8th). There are also dates for sending in drafts of your work for feedback. Across the 12 weeks you are also asked to post at least 6 Blogs there were some suggestions for topics. All the details are in the power point slides on Paula’s blog http://paulanottingham.blogspot.com/.

We also did an exercise for thinking about the whole embodied process of the learning. We looked at what we want to keep, let go off, carry forward, shout about, think more about, the emotions of. Here is a summaries of these from the people who came to the session. It is different for everyone. It might be fun to try answering the categories for yourself.

Things to keep:
-       Healthy eating
-       Working when the house is free and quiet
-       Working  for hour a day everyday (small chunks)
-       Working for the whole day (it takes me time to get started)
-       Scheduling (work and study)
-       Using pictures and images to break down text into images)
-       Going to the library
-       Listening to music

Things to let go off:
-       Overtime at work
-       Bad eating
-       Leaving study work to the last minute
-       Studying at break at work
-       Panic
-       Being negative

Things to move forward with:
-       Using interviews
-       Observations
-       Reflecting
-       Learning how to set-up a sound system
-       Experiencing new things
-       Surveys
-       Completing the course

Things to shout about (feel proud of):
-       How far I’ve come and not given up
-       Sticking to deadlines
-       Paying my fees
-       Organisation
-       The research I’ve done
-       My essay and research how to write better
-       Not giving-up

Emotional associations:
-       relief when deadlines are met
-       panic
-       stress
-       passion
-       enjoyment
-       Motivated / de-motivated
-       being honest with myself
-       questioning
-       doubting
-       anxious
-       enthusiasm

Things to keep thinking about (let stew some more):
-       maybe access the library more
-       better contact with my Advisor
-       how I should use my spare time
-       Find literature
-       Use of interviews (and how to document them)
-       Surveys (to use or not to use)
-       The path the project is taking
-       Observations…

I asked people who attended to write one point they thought was important to share (there were lots more of course).

“Organisation, I think is a key [That worked for me last module was]. I need to have a sort of planning for my study time around everything else that happens in our life. I found that scheduling 1 hour of study / research into my diary and treating it as an hour of work, for instance, really made me stick to it.” – Laura 

“I found mapping out where we are like this very useful…[it made me think]
-       not to be so harsh on yourself
-       allow yourself enough time for deadlines
-       reward yourself for things you are proud of
-       we all feel anxious and stressed at times / allow yourself to enjoy the process
-       Don’t give-up / help is out there” Tanisha http://planyourblogger.blogspot.com/

“For those that were not here today, useful tips:
Organisation and sticking to it.
Support  / keeping in contact with others and other students on the blog
Finding some quite time
Letting go of things that didn’t help or blocked you with Module 2 “ - Samantha http://samanthawebber.blogspot.com/

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