If life is what happens to our plans, then dance is what happens to our steps.
ideas sometimes when you wait they come to you.

Preparation for starting with BAPP

Tuesday 5 April 2016

First Tuesday AM chat - Ethics is a way of considering things...

In this mornings chat we caught up on where people were in their work. But in talking about this we noticed the importance of being able to describe what you are doing in terms of what you are actually doing not in terms of the module framework. In other words saying
“I am just starting reader six” does not mean anything outside of this specific course.

“I have been reading about ethics and thinking about how many of the auditions I have been to involve situations that I now think have ethical implications”  makes sense outside the course. This whole course is about your practice not about the course so make sure everything you are doing makes sense in the ‘real’ world of your work place.

Then we looked at ethics – we say ethical issues because issues mean discussion (topics, concerns, questions). Ethics is not about choosing sides it is about thinking about the multiple ways a situation can be experienced. So in fact the ethical issues (topics) that come up as you think about planning in Module Two or analysing in Module Three are ways in to better understanding what you are doing. This is because ethics is a way to question. Looking at ethical issues is a way to think critically. In this course we want you to develop critical thinking skills. This is to:
“Not accept something just because it is being offered”
“Not to accept something just because it is accessible to you”
Ask how it is in-relationship with other things.

The reflective essay/ critical reflection at the end of Module One is all about this. Do not just write a summary of everything you think we have offered you (told you about) in Module One. Critically look at the information and ask how it fits with your experience and your Practice.  Do not just accept it find what meaning is in it for YOU.

In Module Two thinking about ethics underpins the choices you make as you design your research project. Why are you planning to do what you are planning to do. The whole of Module Two is about understanding how what you are planning to do will effect your relationships. Your relationship with your own Professional Practice, your relationship with the existing knowledge (Literature), your relationship with the people around you. The plan is about how you will explore these relationships (NOT about finding a perfect question through anticipating the answer you want to find). Bethany will post more on this:

Lastly we talked about how ethics is a way to analyse the data you collect. It is so tempting to want to just tell us about the data collected but the important step in the inquiry process of Module Three is the analysis (not to accept what is offered through the data as complete – to understand what is offered is made real or meaningful through interpretation.) Go back to your question – has doing the data collection changed what the question means to you. How and why? Using the lens of ethics helps you explore the data you collect and gets you away from wanting to just tell us about what you collected. Move towards telling us about what it could mean to different people – to you, to the people who have written the literature you have read, to the people you spoke to. Lara will post more on this

As always it was great to talk to each other and learn from talking to each other.


  1. I'm annoyed I couldn't make this skype session, however reading this it has reminded me to not just state what I see or find but to try to exaplain it and consider the ethics of it to help me analyse my work.

  2. The part about the critical/reflection essay was really helpful to me so thank -you

  3. Thanks for the summary, Adesola. I have just had a chance to post my reflection about both our chats.
