If life is what happens to our plans, then dance is what happens to our steps.
ideas sometimes when you wait they come to you.

Preparation for starting with BAPP

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Noticing patterns and themes across the course

We had a campus session on Tuesday. We talked about the Professional Artefact, professional practice and analysis. Here are some points that emerged from the discussions that I think might be helpful.

1)    Read the handbook (the 2017-18 ones if possible) more than once.

2)    Module One is about seeing, noticing and articulating your practice. At the end of Module One you are asked to write reflectively about your practice. In order to do that you need to have been able to ‘see’ step outside yourself to critically look at it: to consider and wonder at and notice how your practice manifests at this time.

3)    Module Two once you have some idea of data collection methods you must plan what you will do with the data. How you will analyse it. You have to do more than just compile the answers people gave you when you asked them a question. When you start to think about what you will do in terms of analysis this frees you up to think of more practice-based data collection methods – it becomes more exciting more relevant to your practice. More than just asking people the answer to a question you are asking. The people or books will not have the answer. YOU ARE NOT LOOKING FOR AN ANSWER. (You are looking to find out more about something). You are looking for themes significant ideas, patterns in the data/ activity of the data collection. Then in Module Three you can think about what this Themes, significant ideas and patterns mean to you and your practice (which you started to identify in Module One)

4)    The professional artefact is something that fits as a way of sharing in the culture of your practice. Just as the written essay is a University artefact. Something you would expect to come across in the University setting. The way you explain your inquiry through the professional artefact is something not out of place in your professional setting. If you don’t yet know what you want to say then you will also not know how to say it. The artefact is how you say it. You cannot decide how to say something before you know what it is you want to say. If you don’t know what you want to say it will be because you need to do more analysis to help yourself understand what happened doing your inquiry and what it means to you.

Have a look at the comments where hopefully people who attended the session will also make comments and post links to their thoughts.


  1. https://ellebyrne.blogspot.co.uk/2017/11/campus-session-071117-inquiry-plan.html

  2. Thanks for the post Adesola, it is really helpful for those who couldn't´t attend like me.

  3. Hello Adesola, I just wanted to ask whether we are supposed to upload the draft on myUniHub or send it to you via e-mail?

    Also just to confirm that at this stage we are just sending you a draft of our reflective essay and not our evidence or our short text about our degree, correct?

    Thank you!

    1. send via email
      Send drafts of what ever you want feedback on. Generally use feedback to help you with your study not just to get approval. Direct feedback by saying what you would like feedback on, direct the feedback to areas you have questions about. this is the best use of the activity. :)

    2. ok thank you! I have sent you the essay with the evidence and the feedback form :)

  4. Eleanor, I thought about your Enquiry question whilst reading Equity's Winter Magazine!

    The Article was called "Facing Facts" by Eunice Olumide. It's about modelling, but I thought it might be useful? If you haven't already seen it of course...

    M x

  5. Hi, I love the post. Thanks for sharing these thoughts. Very inspiring!!!
