If life is what happens to our plans, then dance is what happens to our steps.
ideas sometimes when you wait they come to you.

Preparation for starting with BAPP

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Developing a picture

I know everyone is busy so I have marks sections 'Module One', 'Two' and 'Three' but as always try to read the whole post. Something I think is useful to a Module One might be just what you needed to think about in Module Three. We are all connected.

Module One's
You will be thinking about the portfolio that you are handing in for assessment. At this point in the module you are starting to reflect on the whole activity. Although you did things in sections the portfolio is asking you to present an overview or summary of what you have learnt. I find it very hard to do this if I start at the beginning of something in terms of time, and work my way to the present day. In other words if you start your Critical Reflection with talking about task 1a and finish with the last task it is hard to give a meaningful overview of anything but a schedule. This is because your learning probably did not develop one thing after the next. Some ideas might have 'clicked' straight away, some might have 'clicked' and them you found deeper meaning to them later. Some may not until next module!!! It is unlikely it was a step a-b-c sort of process. I don't believe in linear constructs anyway, and I don't think learning is like that. So trying to tell the story of your learning as a straight timeline is very difficult. But everyone has their own way of doing things. In the post below I talked about different approaches. I find organizing what I want to say into themes works best for me. Think about which works for you? Give yourself time to try writing your final Critical Reflection a couple of different ways. Just like with the reflective journal there are many ways to write about the same events. Remember also we are looking for links to ideas from other people - citations from books, journals, articles etc... that have had an impact on the way you looked at your activity in this first module. Have a look at:

Assessment portfolio


Module Two's
I love this video because it talks to the importance of analysis see paragraph below. But it is also about how important it is to create a research model that has thought about the effect your activity has on the people you interact with. Thinking from the perspective that they have their own story and you are just a small part (maybe a 10 minute encounter) of something much bigger than you could know. THAT is what ethics is about - thinking about how others will experience what you have created. This video shows how if you do not think about this you will limit what you can hear from them. You will limit what you hear to what you expect them to say. I would love you to comment on what is wrong in the video in terms of research in the comments below. 

Study: Most Children Strongly Opposed To Children’s Healthcare

Module Three's
I cannot stress enough that the inquiry is NOT about collecting data it is about analysis (see film above). The inquiry hangs on what you do with the data. That's not just re-writing what people said or putting what they said into a beautiful chart. It is about you thinking about what it means informed by your unique experience, the literature you have been reading and the experience of having been there when the data collection was happening, oh and what was said!! have a look at this post too.

Weeks 6,7,8 & 10 (Module three particularly)


So what do you think? 
Love your comments


  1. Two links to the video clip because one seems to work better than the other. But they are of the same thing. Adesola

  2. Hi Adesola - thanks for the helpful post.
    I found reading your assessment portfolio blog really useful and have made lots of nots in my journal.
    I was particularly concerned about how to write about learning when there are many instances where I feel I've only just started to find out information on the topic. Your comment about how "this does not have to be the end point just let us know where you are at" I have found particularly reassuring. :)

    On a completely unrelated note, I've only just realised that I can feed your fish!

    1. Thank you for feeding the fish. I love to do it too. I wrote "ideas sometimes when you wait they come to you" as if the fish were ideas - get it
      Adesola :)

  3. Thanks Adesola, it's really good to have your probing in the Blogs about how the Inquiry should be written, I'm just about to start the Analysis, I'm roughly half way through this first 'draft' version. Take a look, if/when you can! But it's still very 'bitty!'

    Thanks :)

  4. Hi Adesola, thanks for the helpful post! I was having a 'thinking day' today and I managed to get a lot done towards the critical review. The video was really good (where do you find all this stuff?!??!) It helped me clear up a few questions I was having about phrasing and analyzing. I started my analysis first draft this week and will get this to you soon! I'm having a perfectionist attack wanting it to be perfect when I send it to you to have a look over! Thanks again! Hope you're having a good day!

  5. Loved the clips! Where does one begin! A classic example of statistical and qualitative analytical misrepresentation. Two thousand children out of nine million....How representative is that? How can one survey a miniscule fraction of a population that has no understanding of the subject matter of misdirected questions? It would be like asking me to comment on deep sea fishing in Alaska with do I like tuna. I cannot. A closed yes/no response to misdirected questions on a topic that would require a fair amount of discussion and debate at any level? Bribery? Who would say no to a lollipop?

  6. I definitely enjoying every little bit of it and I have you bookmarked to check out new stuff you post. แบบบ้าน
