If life is what happens to our plans, then dance is what happens to our steps.
ideas sometimes when you wait they come to you.

Preparation for starting with BAPP

Monday, 16 March 2020

About first person and the notion of bias and the 'truth'...

You may have noticed I try not to use words like 'bias' and 'truth' because their meaning is so different in qualitative research (which we are doing - where they could have no meaning) from quanititive research (where they have a a lot of meaning). I put these videos together to talk around the idea of how we are present in our own experiences and in our own research. The practice as research approach I take means that it is not about trying to be neutral or un-bias. Instead it is about being reflective, reflexive and questioning...together these videos demonstrate this...

We ask you to writing in First person because you are the filter through which you are experiencing life and making meaning. This is seeing a constructed world in which you are the builder. We need to know who is doing the building – you need to present. This raises questions about what is truth – is it more ‘true if I writing the building was the best thing every built’ or if I write ‘I felt the building was the best construction I had walked into.’ Is the building better because you are out of the sentence? 

We have to ask where we stand on truth, learning, facts – objective truth. Here is montage of videos and questions that together an assemblage for addressing the ethics of where ‘I’ am in what I write…  

Lying is a corporative act so is truth... 

Truth – learn from history for the better of the world – there is objective truth...


(digital) literacy becomes important...

‘…gave us access to everything but it also gave everything to us… discriminate between the things that genuinely matter and the' rhetoric 'of life…’ 

Where you are in all this determines what it means... so you need to be present in it when you write about it. That is why we ask you write in first person. 
What do you think?...


  1. This was really interesting - thank you for sharing! I like the idea of referencing other people's work and then being able to share my thoughts and opinions directly. I think it allows me to 'disagree' or counter-argue a point in a very specific way.

  2. Thanks for sharing, it was a very interesting read. The videos were really thought provoking, and it certainly make me think about where I stand in challenging my reality. It reminds me of a book I've read 'The Happiness Trap' which is a brilliant read about seeing thoughts/beliefs for what they are- just stories. We presume what we think is true, but it is our own constructed reality. It always feels incorrect for me to write submissions in the first person as it seems too 'relaxed' but the explanation you shared completely helped justify it for me! Thank you.
