If life is what happens to our plans, then dance is what happens to our steps.
ideas sometimes when you wait they come to you.

Preparation for starting with BAPP

Monday, 16 November 2020

Discussion on interviews, discussion on data!

 On Friday we had a Skype discussion that began with 'data: what if you can not interview anyone?!" The prompt in this discussion is about making sure your data collection is not just about going and asking people to solve the problem of your inquiry for you. The prompt is also Iabout looking at where information you can use to reflect on your inquiry questions, comes from - not necessarily from other people just like you. A strong source of data is from other scholars and artists who have spend many years thinking about issues that resonate with your own inquiry. Usually  looking at existing work is the key to opening-up your own ideas. 

Other points that were made were:

When does data end?  


Data has a life of its own – which is why we need a moment when we stop collecting it (!) and turn attention and focus to analysis. 


The reflective report in Module Three is about the whole process of the inquiry not just what you now know/think of your inquiry topic. 


Take aways: 

Even though topics are different, the learning experience and what people found have become about understanding our own practices. 


People attending the conversation will be posting blogs and putting links in the comments below. what do you feel? 


  1. Really enjoyed the discussions recently. I have blogged about them and included the link below:
    Looking forward to hearing from others!

  2. https://chanibapp.blogspot.com/2020/11/covid-affecting-dance-and-dance-teachers.html heres my current post about the current social affects to my inquiry but also a surprise I have found when looking at my data
